How can infrared remote control quantum technology

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What color is cadmium selenide? It is a crystal that can be gray-brown, red or even orange. Cadmium Selenide is the solid binary compound made of cadmium (Cd) and selenium. It is an infrared transparent n-type material. The particle size provided by Materials: particles -100 mesh, purity: 99.9%.
Is cadmium selenide poisonous?
Selenium is toxic and can cause a great deal of toxicity. Cadmium selenide has been proven to be a carcinogen for humans. If swallowed or if it comes in contact with the eyes and skin, you should seek medical attention. Current research is primarily focused on the control of development.

cadmium selenide: uses and applications
1. Optoelectronic devices
2. Laser diode
3. Biomedical imaging
4. Nano sensing
5. High-efficiency solar cells
6. Thin film transistor

How to store cadmium selenide?
Store in an airy, cool and well ventilated warehouse. Keep away from heat sources and fire. The package is sealed. Avoid mixing it with oxidants, acids and edible chemicals. Equip yourself with enough fire equipment. It is important to equip the storage area with appropriate materials for containing leakage.

Can cadmium be harmful to your health?
The body is harmed by inhalation and oral administration. It is irritating. Contact can cause nausea, headaches and vomiting. Chronic effects: kidney and lung damage. Heat or acid can create highly toxic hydrogen-selenide gas. Selenium oxide is produced by combustion (decomposition).

Emergency treatment methods
1. Leakage emergency treatment
Restrict access and isolate the area that is contaminated. It is recommended emergency response personnel use self-contained positive pressurized breathing apparatus as well as general work clothing. If there is a small amount of leakage, use a clean, dry shovel to collect it in a container that has been covered. Large amounts of leakage: collect and dispose at waste disposal sites.
2. Protective measures
Protecting your respiratory system You must wear a hood type electric air-supply dust-proof filter respirator if you might be exposed to the dust. It is recommended that emergency rescue and evacuations be conducted with an air respirator.
Eye protection Protection has been used for respiratory protection.
Body protection Wear protective clothing and protective tape.
Hand protection wear rubber gloves.
Others: The workplace is a no-smoking zone. Attention to personal hygiene.
3. First-aid measures
Skin Contact Rinse the skin well with soap and hot water. Seek medical attention
Eye contact Lift the eyelids and rinse them with water running or normal saline. Seek medical attention.
Inhalation: Quickly leave the scene and go somewhere with fresh air. Airways should be kept clear. Oxygen is recommended if breathing becomes difficult. If breathing stops, you should immediately start artificial respiration. Seek medical attention.
Ingestion: Get medical help if you vomit and drink enough warm water.
Fire fighting method: Special protective clothing is required for firefighters.
Extinguishing agent Carbon dioxide dry powder, sandy soil

Remote control quantum technology using infrared
Los Alamos’ team developed a high-efficiency infrared LED that is tuned to specific wavelengths. This was achieved by adding an intermediate layer made of mercury sulfide between the core and shell interface.

Prices of cadmium selenide
(aka. Technology Co. Ltd., a global chemical supplier & manufacturer that has over 12 years experience in the production of super-high-quality chemicals & Nanomaterials. Our company is currently developing a range of powder materials. Our OEM service is also available. Contact us if you’re looking for cadmium seselenide. You can also click on any of the products you need to send us a request.